What We're All About

At SonarGit, we specialize in providing insights into your software development process through actionable metrics. With our API and GitHub integration, you can monitor pull request activity and track DORA metrics.

How It Works

To get started, you'll need an API key and a simple GitHub workflow. Here's how:

  1. Request an API key by emailing us at rommel@sonargit.com.
  2. Add our GitHub workflow to your repository by following the instructions in this repository.
  3. Once the workflow is set up, we'll start collecting metrics like pull request counts, lead time, and other key indicators.
  4. Best of all it's all free!

Example Metrics We Collect:

Your Data, Your Control

At SonarGit, we believe in data privacy and transparency. You own all your data, and you can request its removal at any time. If you wish to delete your data, simply contact us, and we’ll ensure it’s removed promptly.

Additionally, to maintain efficiency and ensure data relevance, we automatically delete all data older than 60 days.

Sample Dashboard For a Repository:

PRs Still Open

0-2 Days
2-7 Days
7-30 Days
>30 Days
Data captured on: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 01:01:38 GMT

PRs Closed Not Merged

0-2 Days
2-7 Days
7-30 Days
>30 Days
Data captured on: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 01:01:38 GMT

PRs Closed and Merged

0-2 Days
2-7 Days
7-30 Days
>30 Days
Data captured on: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 01:01:38 GMT
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